About Vietnam

Country Information

- National flag:
- Area:329,566 sq km
- Population: 86 million
- Capital city: Hanoi
- People: 84% ethnic Vietnamese, 2% ethnic Chinese
- Languages: Vietnamese, Russian, French, Chinese
- Religion: Buddhism is the principal religion but there are also sizeable Taoist, Confucian, Catholicism, Hoa Hao, Caodaists, Muslim and Christian minorities

Vietnam, a narrow country lies along the coast of East - Sea bordered with China in the north, Laos in the west and Cambodia in the south. Vietnam is often known in the west as 'Vietnam War' and 'Indochina War' in early of 20 century. After 1975, Vietnam became one country from the north to the south and this period was also the 'new page' for Vietnamese after many years in the war. The page of peace and development. Now, people around the world find Vietnam also the good place to visit, doing business and even studying. Recently, Vietnam is listed as one of the safest country to travel in, plus low crime, interesting culture and friendly people, Vietnam welcomes millions of visitor yearly from all over the world which is one of the main income for the country.

People enjoy Vietnam because of its nature in both scenery and its people. Tourism is new and country is still very 'Raw' compare to other South East Asian countries. Having more than 3.000 km coastline where many international resorts located, leisure visitors find Vietnam as a great destination for their holiday or relaxation.

People in Vietnam is friendly, throughout the country, you will always see smiles and happy faces, even many Vietnamese still is having difficulties in daily lives but people now is happy with atmosphare of peace that country does not have very often in 2 thousand years of history.

As a famous saying from one of Vietnamese diplomat officer: Come to Vietnam, Vietnam now is a country, not a war. Vietnam is here for you to discover, happy or disappointed? we are not sure but what we know that you will have a different trip that will not be matched with any other countries in this world.
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